IS081 - Working with self-contained respiratory protective equipment
geen voorkennis vereist
max 8 deelnemers
8 uur sessie
geen maatwerk mogelijk
voor het behalen van een VCA erkend diploma
geen Humat attest
mogelijk in opleidingscentrum Humat
mogelijk op locatie klant
1 januari 2022IS081 - Working with self-contained respiratory protective equipment
Learn how to work efficiently and safely with self-contained (autonomous and non-autonomous) respiratory protective equipment.
Learn how to work efficiently and safely with self-contained (autonomous and non-autonomous) respiratory protective equipment.
- The participant is at least18 years ol.
- The participant is medically approved for the execution of a safety function.
- The participant is medically approved for wearing self-contained respiratory protection.
- The participant can understand, read and write the English language adequately.
9 to 5? Daar geloven wij niet in.
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